Monday, August 11, 2014

Sweet Moments

So this is going to be a short post but I wanted to write it before life got busy and I forgot about it. Bedtimes either go one of two ways in our household, well actually one of four...but the fourth has yet to happen haha.
1.) The toddler goes to bed perfectly and is sound asleep while the baby is crying and having a rough time getting to sleep.
2.) It appears all will be perfect as both kids are laid down to rest peacefully and quietly.....until the older one decides its not bed time and stands up crying and saying "no way, no way, no way" and starts spouting off everything she can think of to get out of bed...."show, show, monkey, monkey, toes, ba-ba, ready, mommy, daddy, show, owie, ba-ba, sorry, baby, no way, no way"
3.) Both children from the get go let us know that tonight is going to be a rough night and they are by no means going to go peacefully and quietly to bed. (these are the nights I want to rip my hair out---side note, I'm working on my patience, ha)
4.) Both children go to bed without a fight and actually ON TIME, while they drift happily to sleep.  ---This is my goal, and I know that it will happen some day :)

So as you can see three out of four bed time occurrences have some type of crying, fussing, fighting, etc... in them. Well every night when we do our bed time routine we say our prayers before I sing to them. I always pray for Heavenly Father to send angels to watch over my sweet babies and protect them and help them feel comfortable and loved and safe as they drift to sleep and throughout the night. Then I kiss them goodnight and close the door while cringing as I wait and see what will happen. ha
On one particular night as I was up back and forth between rocking and comforting the baby before laying him down to sleep just in time for the toddler to wake up crying for me to help her and then getting her back to sleep in time for the baby to wake up and so on and so forth until dawn! I had the realization that my prayers had still been answered and sometimes the Angel that Heavenly Father sends to watch over our children is US!

 That may seem simple and obvious to you but it hit me like a ton of bricks and has given me a new perspective on loving and caring for my children. Now if I had to do this every night I'd be praying for a new Angel! haha, but I'm grateful that I could be there to help my children to feel better and feel loved. :)

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