Sunday, August 10, 2014

I'm baaaaaaaack!!!

Don't know if that title sounds creepy or happy, haha. But I'm back to blogging! Too many cute or funny things happen and bc life is crazy I don't get to write them down too often soooo....I decided to start up a blog again.  I know, I know, between working full time and having two little ones there is literally no time for anything else, and husband laughed when I said I wanted to start blogging again. He said, "when are you going to do that?!" .....cough hence the title of my blog I'll be updating probably on Sundays when I should be napping :) Or maybe now I'll have all this free time to blog?? hahahahah, just kidding. :) Anyway, I stopped a long time ago bc it just took too long uploading pics, etc... but it appears things have changed a little, so we shall see. :) And they have this cool thing where I can upload from my phone! awesome, thats what I need!! :)  I'm going to be making this blog private, so send me your email if you want to be invited! and then I'll start with the first update on the two wee ones! haha :) love ya'll! There's a big thunderstorm now and little girl is "scayed, scayed" (scared) of the big noises so she scampered up into my lap and that means its my cue to skid-addle! so adios muchachos!

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